Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Lost Sock Memorial Day – May 9th – Doggie Cakes
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Lost Sock Memorial Day – May 9th

If you participated in yesterday’s No Sock Day, you might need to also celebrate Lost Sock Memorial Day.

The day recognizes your drawer full of unmatched socks. Each unmatched sock represents a missing sock. We never throw away our unmatched socks. After all, it may show up someday.

On Lost Sock Memorial Day, we suggest you spend a little time (as little as possible) searching for those missing socks.   Then, by all means, get on with your life.

We encourage you to use this special day, to face the fact those sock are gone forever, and recycle the unmatched one as a pet toy, stuffing for a new pet bed, a handing dusting mitten or even a coffee sleeve for your fancy coffee.  Need more ideas check out IndiPatterns Blog post: 50 Things to make from Mismatched Socks

Trina Messano
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