Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Kolumn Image Title


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10 Cancer Warning Signs in Your Pet

Cancer is the leading cause of death in cats and dogs. Early detection and treatment can increase their chance for survival. Ten possible warning signs include: Lumps and Bumps – Not every lump is cancerous. It you notice a lump consult with your veterinarian. Monitor it for changes in size and color, you and your veterinarian can determine if a biopsy should be performed. Abnormal Odors – Certain cancers, such as mouth, nose, and colon can produce foul and unusual odors. Abnormal Discharges – Blood, pus,and prolonged vomit or diarrhea need to be check out by your veterinarian. Wounds that Don’t Heal – Any wound that will not heal...

A Few Tips for New Dog Owners

Teach your puppy manners right from the beginning – Dogs will be dogs and puppies will act like puppies. You have to use positive reinforcement. Start with basic commands, get some help enroll in an obedience class or hire a trainer. Learn about good dog nutrition – Feed your dog a high quality food. Do some research and understand what is in the food and where it is made. Like humans, put bad and bad health will result. Keep up on regular veterinarian appointments – Have your dog checked out by a vet as soon as they join the family, and then follow your veterinarian’s...

Happy Doggie Day!

It has been several years since Doggie Cakes has been actively blogging.  No fear, we have not stopped baking our treats and cakes. I am happy to say we have been getting “social” on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and even Pinterest.  The interaction has been great.  Hoping to keep the fun and interaction going we are returning to our blog.  We have been working hard to update the design.  What to you think?  We have added an event calendar and plan to grow a fan gallery and event gallery.  We will keep you updated on how you can submit your photos for...

National Hairball Awareness Day

  If you are a cat owner you don’t need any more awareness about hairballs.  I know I have seen more than I care to.  We all assume that hairballs are a natural part of being a cat.  Well, yes and no.  A cat does ingest its fur while grooming itself.  A hairball is a result of to much fur being swallowed.  Ingesting to much fur can cause medical issues, like constipation.     Regular grooming will help prevent hairballs. Get on a schedule for a brushing session with your kitty.  Take advantage of this time with your fur baby, and bond over a...

The Tradition of the Pet Blessing

This past Saturday, Doggie Cakes had the opportunity to attend a pet blessing at the Unity Truth Center.  I have never been to one and found the experience to be interesting. (Jason has attended several). I began to wonder where this tradition began. To the internet I went for some research….   It seems that the tradition grew out of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  I could not find a date for when the first one might have occurred. They    are normally held in October. This celebration evolved into honoring our beloved animal companions.  St. Francis is the patron...