Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Kolumn Image Title


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Dog Days of Summer – Keep your Dog Cool

August is know as the “Dog days of Summer”.  Don’t forget your fur keeps need your help in keeping cool. Keep water ready available for your pets.  Make sure there water bowls are full and easily accessible.  Try adding ice cubes to outside bowls to keep them cooler longer. Take walks during cooler hours.  If you have to go out during the peak heat time, take a shorter walk. Move playtime to the shade and take lots of breaks to cool down. Go for a swim. ...

Let’s Celebrate World Cat Day – Aug. 8th

Happy World Cat Day! World Cat-Day, also known as International Cat-Day, was first celebrated in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other animal rights groups. Despite being solitary, cats are a social and use a variety of vocalizations, pheromones and body language for communication. These include meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting. Interactions with cats may improve health and reduce physical responses to stress: for example the presence of cats may moderate increased blood pressure. Cat ownership may also improve psychological health by providing emotional support and dispelling feelings of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Their ability to...

Does your Dog get a New Do for the Summer?

This summer has brought a lot of hot, scorching days.  Many of us wanting to be good doggie parents will get our long haired fur kid a a short cut. I know that we would not be happy in a fur coat on a 90 degree day, but a dog’s coat is their insulation from the sun. Dog’s fur have several layers, each layer working as a system to help you dog from overheating.  Their fur also protects from sunburn. Trim your long haired dogs fur, but try to stay clear of the buzz cut. ...