Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Meet BamBam

BamBam has been apart of my  life (Trina) since 1992, that’s right 20 years.  He is still as feisty as ever.  He is a colorful conure who knows how to get your attention by laughing, coughing, screaming and barking.  His favorite toy is a cardboard box.  During his young years he loved to swim and on many occasions would float around the pool with me. After Jason became part of the family, BamBam’s devotion has shifted slightly.  Oh, yes BamBam loves Jason, even to the point where he will regurgitate food for him. Here at Doggie Cakes, BamBam has become the security guard.  Nothing gets past him and he...

Just in case you Forgot – June is Adopt a Cat Month

  Things to consider before you adopt a cat Cats need to be fed once to twice a day, more often in the case of kittens, and need a constant supply of fresh water. A responsible pet parent should spend at least one hour per day giving direct attention to his or her cat. This may include training, exercising, grooming, and playing or may just be lap time on the couch. A cat with an abundance of energy needs more time to exercise and interactive toys to keep them entertained. Cats with long coats need 20 minutes...

Doggie Cakes on Fox 13 – Good Day Tampa Bay

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique in New Port Richey, Florida was a part of Good Day Tampa Bay on Fox 13 this morning. We baked lots of treats to show and give to the doggies that came to be a part of the segment. I think it turned out great. Thank you – West Pasco Chamber of Commerce for recommending us as a guest. Lot’s of friends were on hand and around. Thanks Marilyn Wolf, BS, CPDT – Pet Trainer and Behavior Consultant for bringing her lab rescue dog Molly and for taking care of Cosmo during the segment. Melinda Jonatzke, who...

Meet Cosmo Kramer

It is hard to believe that it has been almost 12 years since Cosmo Kramer came into our lives. He was tiny but full of mouth.  Oh yes, he has always had a lot to say and never been afraid to tell you what is on his mind.  He was not your usual Mini Pinscher.  Never one to play with toys or go for a good run, Cosmo prefers to cuddle up on the coach under a cozy blanket, of course a good butt scratch is always appreciated.    Ever since he was young he has been a foodie.  Always willing to try...

New Guidelines for Pet CPR

Science blog reported new guidelines for pet CPR that every fur family should be aware of. Recommended Practices: Perform 100-120 chest compressions per minute of one-third to one-half of the chest width, with the animal lying on its side. Ventilate intubated dogs and cats at a rate of 10 breaths per minute, or at a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 to 2 for mouth-to-snout ventilation. Perform CPR in 2-minute cycles, switching the “compressor” each cycle. Administer vasopressors every 3–5 minutes during CPR. Chest compression techniques for medium, large, and giant breed dogs. (A) For most dogs, it is reasonable to do chest compressions over the...

Can All Dogs Swim?

Most dogs will naturally start paddling when in water.  However, this does not mean they can stay afloat, are good at it or like it.  When growing up our family dog loved going into the water.  He would walk out into the lake and walk and walk until the water was over his head.  We had to stop bring him to the lake because he never could understood when to start paddling.  There are always exceptions to natural instinct. Typically dog’s who struggle with swimming have a large heavy chest in comparison to their hindquarters, often have a short muzzle and short legs.  For example a bulldog...

June is Adopt a Cat Month

Thousands of cats will join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country this summer.. That means your local shelter has tons of cute, cuddly kittens, mellow, older cats and everything in between.  If you are looking to add a loving pet to your life, think about a cat. ...

The Cat Gardener – Safe Plants for Your Kitty to Enjoy

Thousands of cats will join the millions of cats already in shelters across the country this summer.. That means your local shelter has tons of cute, cuddly kittens, mellow, older cats and everything in between.  If you are looking to add a loving pet to your life, think about a cat. The must have is catnip.  I always plant a few, but it is a hardy plant and does spread. You can fill in your garden with a great number of choices.  Wheat or barley grass is an important one to include, it is great or your cat to nibble on to...

How Hot is Your Car?

An enclosed car heats up quicker then you would think. According to a study by San Francisco State University the interior of your car can be 40 degrees higher then the outside temperature. For example if it is 80°Foutside the temperature in a car raises to 99°F in just 10 minutes, and to 109°F in 20 minutes. Even leaving the window open a crack only helps by a few degrees. A dog’s normal body temperature is between 101 to 102.5.  Placed into a car on a hot day, after a short time the dog could suffer nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, brain damage, or death. Maybe, your...

Don’t Forget to Bring a Towel. Towel Day, May 25th

Towel Day is an annual tribute to the late author Douglas Adams.  On this day, Fans carry a towel with them to demonstrate their appreciation for the books and the author, as referred to in Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And so it begins… “ A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors;...

World Turtle Day – May 23rd

Happy World Turtle Day Started 12 years ago by American Tortoise Rescue, to increase awareness and education on one of the world’s oldest creatures. Turtles have been around for about 300 million years.  About half of 328 know species known today are listed as threatened or endangered. If you would like to pitch in this World Turtle Day, here are five tips from the American Tortoise Rescue. Never buy a turtle from a pet shop, as it increases demand from the wild. Never remove turtles from the wild unless they are sick or injured. If a turtle is crossing a busy street, pick it up and send it in the same...

What is Carob?

The two typical questions I get, from customers are, “That’s not chocolate is it?” and “What is carob?”  Carob is not chocolate and is OK  for both your dog and yourself.  It is free of the alkaloid and addictive effects of caffeine and theobromine present in cocoa. The tree (Ceratonia siliqua) is from the legume (pea) family. It grows anywhere citrus can be grown. Typically it is found in the Mediterranean. You may have also heard carob trees called St John’s bread or the locust bean. Carob comes from a tropical pod that a contains sweet, edible seeds. The fruit of...

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