Happy Badger Day
National Badger Day for 2012 is Saturday October 6th. It is designed to raise awareness of badger protection issues, spread information about badgers and to raise funds for the Badger Trust....
National Badger Day for 2012 is Saturday October 6th. It is designed to raise awareness of badger protection issues, spread information about badgers and to raise funds for the Badger Trust....
Check out all the fun we had at this years AKC Responsible Dog Owner Day! ...
For over two decades, the National Chicken Council has banded together all of the major chicken producers in the U.S. to promote chicken sales in September. I says lets celebrate the chicken just for being an amazing animal. There are over 175 breeds of chicken. I think they are beautiful, so take a minute and admire some of this photos I took of some inspiring hens and rosters. ...
I don’t know about you, but I am still hooked on Pinterest. We started pinning some great pet and animal related items. If you are browsing around there, make sure you check us out and follow our boards. Doggie Cakes on Pinterest....
At the beginning of the summer I had selected a few books to read. I have only finished one, so far. Rescuing Sprite, A Dog Lover’s Story of Joy and Anguish, by Mark R. Levin. I know that this was going to be a sad story, however I did not know what would soon happen in my life after I began reading it. After a few characters in, our family lost are beautiful Luna after 15 years. So, I like the author was grieving. Every time I pick it up to read I had to put it down knowing that the ending was to close to my own...
National Dog Day has two goals: to honor dogs, and to rescue dogs from homelessness and abuse. It’s an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the value and importance of dogs in our lives. This day is intended to honor dogs for all that they do for us. In addition to giving love and companionship, dogs help us out in countless ways. They are watchdogs for our safety. They lead the blind. Dogs aid in search and rescue, and they seek out bombs and drugs. The second goal of National Dog Day is to rescue dogs in need. On occasion, dogs...
The obscure holiday was created in 1996 by a Sarasota, Fla., businessman who liked elephants. The Holiday is meant to honor, and enjoy this wondrous animal, while bring awareness to their dwelling numbers. Elephant populations in Africa and Asia have fallen by roughly 85 percent and 65 percent, respectively, since the turn of the 20th century, according to the conservation group Defenders of Wildlife. Lets not forget that their get threat is man, pouching them for their ivory.What a beautiful creature, I am amazed every time I see one. ...
GiGi Nibbler was born July 12, 2007 to a fawn pug and a tuxedo Boston terrier. In the designer dog world she is know as a Bug, to our family she is known as monkey face. She is full of energy and is either in play mode or asleep. Every toy is her favorite as along as you are playing. She loves all people, but has a fear of dogs taller then her, which makes thing tough for her. At the house she is in charge of telling her brothers and sisters to be quite, of course she does this by barking at them. ...
For the last few years Doggie Cakes has been making its own peanut butter to bake into our treats. I wanted there to be not extra added salts, sugars and all things we can’t pronounce. The taste is scrumptious, you might never buy peanut butter again. Ingredients3 cups Raw Unsalted Peanuts1/8 cup Peanut Oil (Optional)Honey or Cinnamon (to Taste) 1. Roast the peanuts without any seasoning, in 350 degree oven for about 20 mins. Keep an eye on them, you don’t want them to burn.2. Let peanuts cool if you have roasted them. 3. Shuck the peanuts 4. Place all 3 cups of peanuts into a...
Organizations around the world come together on the third Saturday of August to raise awareness about the pet overpopulation epidemic. International Homeless Animals’ Day activities often include candlelight vigils, adopt-a-thons, microchip clinics, and blessings of the animals. Remember adopt don’t shop. ...
Did you know that Black Cats are the least likely to be adopted and more often killed than any other fur color, 5 times more. Sharing our home with two black cats is an honor and they truly are very special. ...
August is know as the “Dog days of Summer”. Don’t forget your fur keeps need your help in keeping cool. Keep water ready available for your pets. Make sure there water bowls are full and easily accessible. Try adding ice cubes to outside bowls to keep them cooler longer. Take walks during cooler hours. If you have to go out during the peak heat time, take a shorter walk. Move playtime to the shade and take lots of breaks to cool down. Go for a swim. ...
Lazy Day is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day. If summer chores are not done by now, they can just wait one more day. It is best spent on a hammock, along with your favorite summer beverage....
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