Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Minnie Meows Finds a Home for the Holidays

Last night at the Festival of Lights open house event at the SPCA Suncoast, we adopted Midnight – a one year old female, black cat who needed a home. She is very sweet and we named her Minnie Meows. She is fitting in well for the first day – even with her new brothers and sisters (4 cats and 3 dogs). This facility been saving animal lives and finding homes since 1964 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. A full list of ways that you can help, donate, or adopt are listed below. Also note that Santa Claus is coming to Doggie Cakes – Dog...

Doggie Cakes – To Host SPCA Suncoast Santa and Pets

Santa Claus is coming to Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique in New Port Richey, Florida for photos with your pet on Saturday, December 20th, 2008 from 11 am – 2 pm. Donated proceeds go to the SPCA Suncoast. All friendly cats, dogs, or other animals are welcome. We will provide your 4″ x 6″ photo in a holiday card on site. – See you there. (Download the Flyer) (Download the Sign) We are building a dog edible gingerbread dog house, and this item will be raffled off with other items for SPCA donations. Local company and friends, Read My Paws will bring their...

Doggie Cakes – Scarecrow with Dog Wins Third Prize

We participated in the Greater New Port Richey Main Street – Scarecrow Contest during the First Annual Pumpkin Stroll, on Saturday, October 25, 2008. We were surprised and happy to win third prize. First and second prizes went to the Reed family and Dayspring Academy. The event was hosted by Karen’s Gifts. Other local businesses that created and displayed a scarecrow along with the individual and family entries were Makai Kayak and Kanoe, the American Red Cross, and Unique Awards and Engraving. Look out competition, we already have ideas for next year. ...

Doggie Cakes – Celebrates New Port Richey Ribbon Cutting

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique celebrated its store ribbon cutting with the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and our guests on Tuesday, October 14, 2008. It was a great event, where we got to meet many new people and some that have become friends and customers since our beginning at the farmer’s market. ...

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique – Joins Facebook

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique has added a Facebook page to it’s web presence. If you are on Facebook, check us out and become a fan. The community looks to have a lot of potential with the ability to add photos, videos, discussions, reviews, events, and a feed of this blog’s content. Let us know if you have suggestions for the site. ...

Doggie Cakes Awarded Trademark

Our logo for Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique in New Port Richey, FL will be published in the Official Gazette of the US Patent and Trademark Office on October 7, 2008 as an approved trademark. We filed on May 4, so this is quite a process. Our Certificate of Registration is coming in November. Doggie Cakes is making moves! ...

Cosmo, The Donut King, on His Throne at Doggie Cakes

Cosmo found a comfortable spot on top of some donut beds at Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique. A leaning tower of four beds to be exact. As we are trying to sell these, we quickly took this photo and then showed him where his own bed was. He was too funny today as he did this twice – both effortlessly and with great pride. We are guessing that one more donut would put the top of the pile out of his reach. The beds are by Room Candy and sell for $35.89 in our store. Come and visit and bring the dog...

Visit from Owners of The Turtle’s Nest – Coastal Decor and Gifts

Doggie Cakes had a visit in late June by Angie and Paul Jones, proprietors of The Turtle’s Nest – Coastal Decor and Gifts. Their store was in the same location as the current Doggie Cakes for many years and is currently at 10720 SR 54, Suite 102 – Trinity Village – Trinity, FL 34655. (The Turtle’s Nest – Google Map) The turtle mural that made their store easy to find is still located outside of doggie cakes. Someday the mural may go to the dogs, but for now the turtle’s are still swimming. We wish The Turtle’s Nest the best, down in Trinity Village. Their...

Jabari Visits Doggie Cakes

Doggie Cakes had a visit in late July by Jabari and his mom and dad, Electra and Sebastian Holmes. He’s a very active Pomeranian and a great jumper as this photo shows. This family is from Atlanta and was able to stop by and check out the store. They have Tampa bay connections so we should see them again. If you need any real estate assistance in Atlanta, check them out at HOLMCO Property Solutions, LLC. ...

Open for the Cotee River Bike Fest, New Port Richey, FL

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique is also working to promote the 4th Annual Cotee River Bike Fest, which is a West Pasco Chamber of Commerce event. It is downtown in New Port Richey on the weekend of October 11th and 12th. We will be open on Sunday that day and possibly late on both weekend days to meet new customers. We included the Bike Fest in our full page ad which will be seen in the program of the 11th Annual Cavalry Charge for Children – August 29-31 – at the Westshore Hotel in Tampa. This event is hosted by our friends the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle...

Doggie Cakes in The Pasco Tribune

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique, was featured in The Suncoast News, produced by The Tampa Tribune. The online version features a photo of Trina baking some cheddar chomps, in the Doggie Cakes kitchen. Thank you Scott Smith, for creating this great news story and visiting our store. Click here to read the article. ...

Doggie Cakes is in the Suncoast News

Doggie Cakes – Dog Bakery and Boutique, was featured in The Suncoast News, produced by The Tampa Tribune. The online version features a photo of Trina baking some cheddar chomps, in the Doggie Cakes kitchen. Thank you Scott Smith, for creating this great news story and visiting our store. Click here to read the article. ...

Doggie Cakes was on Tampa Bay’s 10 News!

June 4, 2008 – Doggie Cakes – Bakery and Boutique was on Tampa Bay’s 10 News! The video aired in the 4:00 pm hour and featured Trina and group of dog customers and their owners. We got the surprise call the day before from reporter Katheryn Bursch, that she planned to come out around 10:30 am. Her intention was to meet and interview some dogs and customers. Trina made some excited, but frantic calls to some loyal and willing customers and pooches who were willing to be on camera. Ms. Bursch and cameraman Dennis Hollingsworth were very nice and really had a handle getting the best shots...

Luke Visits Doggie Cakes

Luke, a cookie-loving Bull Terrier was the first dog customer to visit Doggie Cakes. He’s local and has his walk close to the store. We are at 5644 Main Street in New Port Richey. (Google Map) Hours: 10 am – 6 pm Tuesday – Saturday. Bring the dog, and keep watching this blog for news about our grand opening in July. Date TBA. ...

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