Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fun – Doggie Cakes
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Fun Tag

A Friday Morning Fur-nomenon: Breakfast, Bowls, and Bouncing Pets

Ah, Fridays! The day starts not with an alarm, but with the relentless, albeit adorable, demands of our early-rising feline overlords. By 6 AM, the breakfast club—comprised exclusively of cats—ensures that no human (or dog) sleeps past the most crucial meal of their day. With their seven bowls ceremoniously filled, my day as a chef for the discerning palate of cats officially commences. Next up, it’s outdoor adventure time. Gingerbread and Kitty Kat, the canine duo, are less about the leisurely morning stroll and more about the high-stakes business of the quick morning potty. Once their missions are accomplished, it’s back...

Happy National Mutt’s Day

To all mutts and and mutt owners, we hope you thoroughly enjoy Mutt’s Day. Spend the day relaxing and doing all the things you and your dog like to do. National Mutt Day was created in 2005 by Celebrity Pet Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige, and is celebrated on both July 31st and December 2nd. National Mutt Day is all about embracing, saving and celebrating mixed breed dogs. The biggest percentage of dogs euthanized due to the constant over-breeding and public desire of designer dogs and pure bred puppies that are sold to pet stores supplied by puppy mills that often...

Its Pinspiration Monday

What is Pinterst Monday? Since we are obese with pinterest, and get inspired everyday we felt we should share some of our favorite finds. Hopefully you will something to make for your furkids. For our first one we selected a few boards of Doggie Craft Projects, you really should follow them. www.pinterest.com/jacquiequilter/dog-crafts www.pinterest.com/devilscat26/for-my-dog-crafts www.pinterest.com/phoenixmidnight/dog-crafts www.pinterest.com/meandmydog79/dog-crafts ...

Happy Hammock Day

 Summer is in full swing. It’s time to slow down and to relax.  During the Dog Days of summer (and all of the other  summer days, too), there is no better place to slow down  and relax, than on a hammock. Hammock Day is appropriately celebrated right in the  middle of the Dog Days of summer(July 3 though August 11th). People celebrate Hammock  Day by spending as much time relaxing on it as possible.  Getting out of your hammock to get a snack, or your  favorite summer beverage is okay. ...

The Dog Days of Summer

 The Old Farmer’s Almanac lists the traditional period of the Dog Days  as the 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11, coinciding with  the ancient heliacal (at sunrise) rising of the Dog Star, Sirius. These are  the days of the year with the least rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere  (living in Florida, I get experience rain daily during this time.) The Term dog days is   from ancient times, when the night sky was  unobscured by artificial lights and different groups of peoples in  different parts of the world drew images in the sky by “connecting the  dots” of stars. The images drawn...

Happy Swim a Lap Day!

Swim a Lap Day is good for you and your dog’s health. And, it’s a fun day, too! Summer has arrived. It’s time to enjoy all that summer has to offer, including plenty of time in and around the pool. What better way to enjoy the early days of summer, than by taking a lap or two (or three) around the pool. It’s likely to be sunny and hot today. Find a few friends and swim a  couple laps in the pool. Then, let the pool party begin! ...