Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pet Appreciation Week June 6-12, 2021 – Doggie Cakes
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Pet Appreciation Week June 6-12, 2021

  1. Non-toxic washable paint (get an array of colors) – like these available on Amazon Crayola Washable Kids Paint 
  2. Sponges cut into 2” pieces
  3. Tubs for different colors (use old food containers and lids before recycling them)
  4. Paint drop cloth or old sheet
  5. Wet wipes or a small tub of water to wash paws between color changes
  6. Canvas (small or large size, get creative)
  7. Styrofoam (or cardboard) cut smaller than the canvas to fill backing, which allows support during dog painting
  8. Your dog
Trina Messano
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