Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Celebrating Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day: April 21st – Doggie Cakes
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Celebrating Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day: April 21st

  1. Share Photos and Stories: Take to social media to share photos and stories of your beloved Bulldog using the hashtag #BulldogsAreBeautifulDay. Join the online community of Bulldog enthusiasts and celebrate the beauty of these dogs together.
  2. Plan a Bulldog Meetup: Organize a Bulldog meetup at a local park or dog-friendly venue. It’s a great opportunity for Bulldog owners to connect, share tips and stories, and let their dogs socialize and play together.
  3. Treat Your Bulldog: Spoil your Bulldog with some extra love and attention on this special day. Whether it’s a long walk, a favorite treat, or a new toy, show them how much they mean to you.
  4. Educate Others: Take this opportunity to educate others about Bulldogs and debunk any misconceptions about the breed. Spread awareness about responsible Bulldog ownership and the importance of adopting from reputable breeders or rescues.

Trina Messano
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