Stop in or contact us to order a doggie cake for pick-up in the store. (We need three business days to bake and decorate a cake). We also have pet-ID tags and lots more items to see and purchase in the store, so come by Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dog – Page 6 – Doggie Cakes
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Dog Tag

No Bake Peanut Butter Treats

 Welcome to Tasty Tuesday’s, where we will share some yummy things for your furkids and you. We are starting with No Bake Peanut Butter Treats. Ingredients 3/4 cup peanut butter* 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup water 1 1/4 cup quick oats Directions: Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside. In a medium bowl, stir together the peanut butter, cinnamon, and water until combined. Slowly add the oats, 1/4 cup at a time, until completely mixed in. Scoop by the spoonful onto prepared cookie sheet. You can roll them into balls, but they will be a little sticky. The number of treats will vary depending on the...

Every Pet Owner should have a Pet First Aid Kit

I just learned that April is pet first aid awareness month. I started to think about what I could do be prepared if one of our fur kids needed some basic first aid.  I took a look in our first aid kit and quickly saw that it came up short. Everyone who owns a pet should have a first aid kit specifically for their pet. Now is the time to get it ready, before there is an emergency. Some suggest having one for home and one for traveling. One of the best places to store it would be with your human family’s kit....

5 Tips to Help Settle your Dog’s Upset Tummy

You know that it is bound to happen sooner or later, your doggie kid will get an upset stomach. It usually only last for a short amount of time, but as parents you want to help ease their tummy. Here are 5 easy tips Fast your dog. Remove their food bowl and limit their access to food. Let their stomach settle. This does not mean starve, but if the are vomiting everything you give them, give them a chance to rest. If they can not hold any food past 12 hours, consult your veterinarian. Try some plain boiled rice and chicken, no spices...

10 Cancer Warning Signs in Your Pet

Cancer is the leading cause of death in cats and dogs. Early detection and treatment can increase their chance for survival. Ten possible warning signs include: Lumps and Bumps – Not every lump is cancerous. It you notice a lump consult with your veterinarian. Monitor it for changes in size and color, you and your veterinarian can determine if a biopsy should be performed. Abnormal Odors – Certain cancers, such as mouth, nose, and colon can produce foul and unusual odors. Abnormal Discharges – Blood, pus,and prolonged vomit or diarrhea need to be check out by your veterinarian. Wounds that Don’t Heal – Any wound that will not heal...

A Few Tips for New Dog Owners

Teach your puppy manners right from the beginning – Dogs will be dogs and puppies will act like puppies. You have to use positive reinforcement. Start with basic commands, get some help enroll in an obedience class or hire a trainer. Learn about good dog nutrition – Feed your dog a high quality food. Do some research and understand what is in the food and where it is made. Like humans, put bad and bad health will result. Keep up on regular veterinarian appointments – Have your dog checked out by a vet as soon as they join the family, and then follow your veterinarian’s...

Happy National Dog Day!

National Dog Day has two goals: to honor dogs, and to rescue dogs from homelessness and abuse. It’s an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the value and importance of dogs in our lives. This day is intended to honor dogs for all that they do for us. In addition to giving love and companionship, dogs help us out in countless ways. They are watchdogs for our safety. They lead the blind. Dogs aid in search and rescue, and they seek out bombs and drugs. The second goal of National Dog Day is to rescue dogs in need. On occasion, dogs...

Make your Own Doggie Peanut Butter

For the last few years Doggie Cakes has been making its own peanut butter to bake into our treats.  I wanted there to be not extra added salts, sugars and all things we can’t pronounce.  The taste is scrumptious, you might never buy peanut butter again. Ingredients3 cups Raw Unsalted Peanuts1/8 cup Peanut Oil (Optional)Honey or Cinnamon (to Taste) 1.  Roast the peanuts without any seasoning, in 350 degree oven for about 20 mins.  Keep an eye on them, you don’t want them to burn.2.  Let peanuts cool if you have roasted them. 3. Shuck the peanuts 4.  Place all 3 cups of peanuts into a...

Dog Days of Summer – Keep your Dog Cool

August is know as the “Dog days of Summer”.  Don’t forget your fur keeps need your help in keeping cool. Keep water ready available for your pets.  Make sure there water bowls are full and easily accessible.  Try adding ice cubes to outside bowls to keep them cooler longer. Take walks during cooler hours.  If you have to go out during the peak heat time, take a shorter walk. Move playtime to the shade and take lots of breaks to cool down. Go for a swim. ...

Does your Dog get a New Do for the Summer?

This summer has brought a lot of hot, scorching days.  Many of us wanting to be good doggie parents will get our long haired fur kid a a short cut. I know that we would not be happy in a fur coat on a 90 degree day, but a dog’s coat is their insulation from the sun. Dog’s fur have several layers, each layer working as a system to help you dog from overheating.  Their fur also protects from sunburn. Trim your long haired dogs fur, but try to stay clear of the buzz cut. ...

Can Dogs Eat Fruit?

Like most things in your dogs diet, everything has exceptions.  Most fruits are fine, but should only be given as treats and in moderation.  Remember what happens to your stomach, if you eat too much fruit? The same goes for your dog. There are a fine fruits that should never be fed to your four-legged friends.  Grapes and raisins are the ones, most know about.  Even a small amount can cause you dog or cat kidney failure.  Signs to look for if your pet is having a reaction to eating grapes, is repeated vomiting and being lethargic. The tomato is OK for your dog, however if you like...

Meet Cosmo Kramer

It is hard to believe that it has been almost 12 years since Cosmo Kramer came into our lives. He was tiny but full of mouth.  Oh yes, he has always had a lot to say and never been afraid to tell you what is on his mind.  He was not your usual Mini Pinscher.  Never one to play with toys or go for a good run, Cosmo prefers to cuddle up on the coach under a cozy blanket, of course a good butt scratch is always appreciated.    Ever since he was young he has been a foodie.  Always willing to try...

New Guidelines for Pet CPR

Science blog reported new guidelines for pet CPR that every fur family should be aware of. Recommended Practices: Perform 100-120 chest compressions per minute of one-third to one-half of the chest width, with the animal lying on its side. Ventilate intubated dogs and cats at a rate of 10 breaths per minute, or at a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 to 2 for mouth-to-snout ventilation. Perform CPR in 2-minute cycles, switching the “compressor” each cycle. Administer vasopressors every 3–5 minutes during CPR. Chest compression techniques for medium, large, and giant breed dogs. (A) For most dogs, it is reasonable to do chest compressions over the...

Can All Dogs Swim?

Most dogs will naturally start paddling when in water.  However, this does not mean they can stay afloat, are good at it or like it.  When growing up our family dog loved going into the water.  He would walk out into the lake and walk and walk until the water was over his head.  We had to stop bring him to the lake because he never could understood when to start paddling.  There are always exceptions to natural instinct. Typically dog’s who struggle with swimming have a large heavy chest in comparison to their hindquarters, often have a short muzzle and short legs.  For example a bulldog...