Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consectetur libero in sapien posuere ultricies. In vel dapibus neque, eget feugiat ante. Vestibulum dui felis, finibus nec vulputate nec, porttitor cursus mauris. Nam efficitur tincidunt vehicula. Vestibulum a suscipit mauris. Pellentesque varius pellentesque bibendum. Mauris in libero eget ligula rutrum pharetra. Quisque pharetra vehicula nisl, interdum lobortis nunc vulputate vel. Pellentesque in dolor ac elit malesuada placerat sed in massa. Cras at neque nec arcu porttitor congue. Proin pulvinar, arcu eu volutpat commodo, felis libero aliquam est, ac facilisis purus urna ac libero. Praesent in fermentum massa, vitae posuere dui....
Like many Americans, many of our pets have an expanding waistline. A survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) show some scary statics. 54% of the nation’s pets are overweight or obese. This equals 93 million pets. Crazy as that is, apparently we not notice our pets unhealthy weight. 22% of dog owners and 15% of cat owners think their pet is normal weight, while a veterinarian would classify their pet as overweight. These overweight pets are developing more and more health problems, including osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, kidney disease ans shortened life spans. It is our responsible to take care of...
Like most things in your dogs diet, everything has exceptions. Most fruits are fine, but should only be given as treats and in moderation. Remember what happens to your stomach, if you eat too much fruit? The same goes for your dog. There are a fine fruits that should never be fed to your four-legged friends. Grapes and raisins are the ones, most know about. Even a small amount can cause you dog or cat kidney failure. Signs to look for if your pet is having a reaction to eating grapes, is repeated vomiting and being lethargic. The tomato is OK for your dog, however if you like...
1. Adirondacks, NY: Whether you want to stay in a hotel, motel, bed and breakfast, or cabin or cottage, you have got plenty of pet-friendly lodging choices to pick from Warrensburg to Plattsburg. The cooling waters of Raquette River, Buttermilk Falls, Ausable Chasm, Rim Walk, You can’t take your pet with you on the tour of the Natural Stone Bridge and Caves in Pottersville, If hiking is your focus, the public lands administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) that are part of the six million-acre Adirondack Forest Preserve are pet friendly. 2. Cannon Beach, OR: Let loose...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
BamBam has been apart of my life (Trina) since 1992, that’s right 20 years. He is still as feisty as ever. He is a colorful conure who knows how to get your attention by laughing, coughing, screaming and barking. His favorite toy is a cardboard box. During his young years he loved to swim and on many occasions would float around the pool with me. After Jason became part of the family, BamBam’s devotion has shifted slightly. Oh, yes BamBam loves Jason, even to the point where he will regurgitate food for him. Here at Doggie Cakes, BamBam has become the security guard. Nothing gets past him and he...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mattis eleifend lorem nec ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Sed...